English trivial

El 8 de març els alumnes de 1r i 2n de batxillerat van fer una sortida amb el departament de llengües estrangeres. Millor que us expliquen l'experiència ells mateixos.

Thursday  8 of March all the class went to an Irish pub called "Michael Collins", located in the center of Barcelona, next to the Sagrada Família. We played a quiz in english similar to a Trivia with questions about different topics, such as music, politics, art, science... It was a great and funny experience! 

The place was nice, the atmosphere during the morning was excellent and the service was very good, so nothing was missing. Besides, we had a free drink and good music. 
It was a place we've never been before and we spent a really good time there. Now we know the appearance of an authentic Irish pub.
We strongly recommend this experience to other students who want to learn while having fun. We want to return next year but this time to win the trophy!
 by Joel Moreno, Berta Gómez, Sergio Pariente i Arnau Garrote. 


Thursday 8 of March 1st and 2ond Batxillerat students from Les Vinyes went to a Michael Collins Irish pub  in la Sagrada Família to take part into an English trivial. I’m from 2nd of Bachillerato so this was my second year.

As last year it was great, I think this year was better because the questions were about a lot of different subjects such as philosophy, history, geography, arts, economy, science, cinema, music  etc and we all could contribute in something. Moreover, this kind of activities made us learn while we were having fun, and especially if you are wrong you will remember it. In addition, the questions were in English and you had to try to understand them and as it was a competition, all the students tried harder.

For example, one question was to know who was the king of roman gods, we didn’t know at the moment of the question but at the end Paula wrote Jupiter ( in order not to leave this question without answer) and it was ok, I think we all will remember it forever.

In conclusion, I totally recommend it to next year students, I think they will have a nice time and they will learn a lot.

Laura Gómez