
The beginnings of the Erasmus program at High School Les Vinyes
For this project it has created a collaboration agreement between:- High School Puig Castellar- High School Les Vinyes- High School La Bastida- Mundus Association.
Our centers are located in a suburb of Barcelona where unemployment is particularly high and socio-economic situation that was already very delicate, has worsened because of the economical crisis. This fact, plus the high rate of immigration in the neighborhoods of the area, make our students vulnerable and under risk of social exclusion, they have lack of opportunities, there is a severe youth unemployment, racism and marginalization.
Participants: 29 participants during two school years (2015-2016 and 2016-2017) will be divided into 10 partners from Germany, Italy, Turkey, United Kingdom, Belgium and France during 1 month. Students from vulnerable areas, with fewer opportunities in their environment, but with good skills who wish to expand their technical, linguistic, social and intercultural competences and skills.
Teachers profile: Team highly qualified and motivated with excellent human perspective and with needs to improve language competences to successfully continue the plan of implementation of foreign languages already started in the centers.
The team needs to exchange experiences for the successful internationalization of the center, and share experiences of disadvantaged students coming from depressed areas. Also we need to improve how to work with new religions and cultures.
The expected result is: to reverse the non positive situation, internationalize schools, improve education and provide more opportunities to our students.
Les Vinyes already has some experience in international mobility activities. In 2010-2012 we sent 1 student and 2 teachers to Helsinki (Finland) for an internship in a Research Laboratory.
Wa also had experience in National mobility activities. In 2011-2012 10 students and 3 teachers took part in study visit in 3 different regions of Spain (Castilla la Mancha, Comunidad de Madrid, Extremadura).
Thanks also to the above mentioned experience, our procedure for the approval and the monitoring of inter-institutional agreements for study and teaching mobility is the standard procedure regulated by our Regional Ministry of Education. With respect to in-company training and job-shadowing stays, we follow procedures included in qBid (Integrated Database, https://www.empresaiformacio.org/sBid) where you can find all the documents, templates and forms to set up our in-job training stays, applying ECVET methodology and criteria when possible agreed by all involved parts.
Furthermore, our High School established 3 institutional agreements with local Hospitals: Hospital Universitario Clinico, Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron y Hospital Espiritu Santo (respectively from Barcelona and Santa Coloma de Gramenet). Thanks to those agreements, foreign students will have the chance to undertake internships at one of the Hospitals.